New View on Latvian Soviet-Era Press Photography

Alise Tifentale, “Jauns skats uz Latvijas padomju laika preses fotogrāfiju” [New View on Latvian Soviet-Era Press Photography], FK Magazine, January 24, 2022.

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The books I reviewed:

1. Dominiks Gedzjuns. 1956-1961, edited by Toms Zariņš and Aleksejs Muraško. Riga: Kultkom, 2021. Selected works by press photographer Dominiks Gedzjuns (1918-1998)

2. Bonifācijs Tiknuss fotografē pirms pusgadsimta [Bonifācijs Tiknuss Takes Photographs Half a Century Ago], edited by Andrejs Tiknuss in collaboration with Ēriks Hānbergs and Voldemārs Hermanis. Riga: Madris, n.d. The story of the life and career of the newspaper Cīņa photojournalist Bonifācijs Tiknuss (1915-1986) as told by his son and former colleagues with a broad selection of his photographs.

The Lesser Known Romantic Side of Soviet Art

Tifentale, Alise. “The Lesser Known Romantic Side of Soviet Art.” In Good Morning USSR (exh. cat.), Seoul: NAMA Gallery, mM Art Center, 2021.

The essay is published in Korean and English. The exhibition “Good Morning USSR” took place at the NAMA Gallery, mM Art Center, Seoul, June 30 - July 30, 2021.

Download and read my essay “The Lesser Known Romantic Side of Soviet Art” as a pdf here (in Korean and English) or view it in the images below:

View some sample pages from the catalogue below:

Learn more about the exhibition from the catalogue’s foreword and preface below: